Lust in Space
by Shanina Conway
Lust in Space
Shanina Conway
Digital Art - Digital
A little retro fun, I've always loved and admired the artists who created the fantastic retro movie posters, hope you enjoy my version of Lust in Space not a movie, but perhaps it should be one;).
March 28th, 2011
Comments (15)
Dave Farrow
What an awesome take on "lost" in space...a wonderfully brilliant work of unique and original. Of course dear lady, this one is worthy of gold....L/V/F....simply beautiful
Shanina Conway replied:
Hi Dave and thank you...I have huge respect for the artists who created the old movie posters and I love recreating them putting my own spin on them;)
Michael Eingle
If Lost In Space was like this back then it would probably still be showing..ha! Really nice Shanina! l/f
Carl Rolfe
those old sci-fi movie were so melodramatic and fun, your image captures it beautifully v
Seth Weaver
This is a favorite of mine. Robby the robot never looked better, but I don't think the lady and he will ever find true happiness together!
Shanina Conway replied:
Mine too Seth, have to do more of the B Grade posters, they're so much fun;)