Freedom Run

by Shanina Conway
Freedom Run
Shanina Conway
Digital Art
Freedom Run
Copyright Shanina Conway
July 11th, 2012
Similar Subjects
Comments (32)

Gull G
“A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” Congratulations on your recent sale of an amazing work!

Paul Mangold
Congratulations! Spectacular representation of America's horse. The Mustang truly represents America at her best.

Terry Stanley
Your work has got the feel of a true horse person. I would like to see our Freedom Horse in print on a shirt for everyone to see. I would love to be the first to display this for you. The eyes of the unseen are waiting.
Shanina Conway replied:
Terry thank you so much for your lovely comment and so glad it comes across...T.shirts would be great;)

Dave Farrow
Shanina, your works are outstanding. Your horses leap out at the viewer..they are dynamic, powerful and beautifully done...you have a fantastic gold medal gallery....L/V
Shanina Conway replied:
Hi Dave and thank you so much for your amazing comment, it's greatly appreciated:)

Lianne Schneider
So inspiring Shanina - oh my gosh your horses are so gorgeous! Such character. Love the textures you use to achieve this Old World Masters look and feel too. Stunning work. F/L FB TGP