Wild and Free Horse Art

by Shanina Conway
Wild and Free Horse Art
Shanina Conway
Digital Art - Digital
Wild and Free Mustang horse galloping across a plain.
A thousand horses and none to ride!
With flowing tail, and flying mane,
Wide nostrils never stretched by pain,
Mouths bloodless to the bit or rein,
And feet that iron never shod,
And flanks unscarred by spur or rod,
A thousand horse, the wild, the free,
Like waves that follow o'er the sea,
Came thickly thundering on.
Lord Byron
November 13th, 2010
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Comments (48)

Dawn Senior-Trask
What a gorgeous, powerful and romantic vision! Living in Wyoming I see wild horses often (not to mention the 2 mustangs we adopted) and this evokes their spirit and the dramatic wildness of the western landscape! Love the quote from Byron! v/f

Karen Giles
Beautiful horse! You've expressed the power and gorgeous movement that exemplifies the equine spirit!