Winters Tale

by Shanina Conway
Winters Tale
Shanina Conway
Digital Art - Mixed Media
Winters Tale
A place I went to in my dreams,I think it was the Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria perhaps one day I'll go there in reality. Lots of matte painting in this and I've discovered I love painting snow a lovely change from my autumn themes.
October 11th, 2014
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Comments (39)

Jacek Dudzinski
Nice job! Keep up the good work! Great talent. I really would apreciate your feedback of my Photography ;-)

Petra Koehler Rose
I've been there many times. It is really fairytale. Just like your picture. You did that very nicely.

Brenda Plyer
Your dreams are beautiful and your talent is divine. This is spectacular! L/f and following your talent.
Shanina Conway replied:
Brenda, what a beautiful comment, thank you and I enjoy sharing my dreams and so appreciate your kind words.

Shannon Story
An amazing snow scene. And the tree-laden snow is wonderful.
Shanina Conway replied:
Thank you Shannon and wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season:)