Lozen Portrait

by Shanina Conway
Lozen Portrait
Shanina Conway
Digital Art - Digital
Part of my works on the warrior and Shaman, Lozen.
Lozen was an Apache warrior and Shaman of great power, it's said she possessed horse magic.
Lozen's brother was Victorio an Apache chief and he is quoted to have said, "Lozen is my right hand, strong as a man,braver than most and cunning in strategy. Lozen is a shield to her people."
Lozen bravely fought beside Geronimo and her story is one of an extraordinary and highly respected woman/warrior/shaman who sadly died in confinement of tuberculosis
April 20th, 2011
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Comments (15)

Alex Tavshunsky
This work is really wow... amazing!!! Please visit my page http://alex-tavshunsky.artistwebsites.com/

Sharon Mau
.. beautiful work Shanina .. .. congratulations on your feature in Dimensions :))
Shanina Conway replied:
Hi Sharon and thank you...I'm honored and surprised by the featured...Happy Easter to you Sharon:)

David Dunham
Shanina Conway replied:
Hi David, thank you, Lozen has been haunting me for sometime, it will take quite a few artworks to get her out of my system...have a Happy Easter David:)

Lois Bryan
Oh Shanina!!!!!! AWESOME image!!!!! I'd have to say electrifying ... that cut of the eye .. the light ... WOW!!!!!!!!! Is she about to laugh ... or pull out an arrow ... or disappear in a puff of smoke!!!! Magic image!!!!!!
Shanina Conway replied:
Hi Lois, I'm so glad you had this reaction, from what I've read Lozen was a very powerful shaman...wish there was more info on her..thank you :)